We strongly believe that by nurturing individuals, we
can better assist corporate growth. Which is why each and every individual
is treated like a direct client.
We have the experience and the capability to help our clients
-- both corporate and individual -- through their entire professional relationship: from pre-hiring assessment, to development, training, mentoring/coaching, and career tracking, through succession planning, or, if need be, outplacement.
It is this commitment to the individual -- while always keeping in site the needs of the client companies
-- that truly sets Oak apart.
It's more than our strategy: it's our nature.
Our staff includes a number of seasoned consultants and managers, as
well as full-time psychologists. For every client and assignment, we
create a team of committed professionals to work closely with you and your
staff to develop and fully implement programs that provide long-term (not
"quick-fix") solutions.