The ProfileXT is a non-timed approximate 40-minute customizable and normative (compares the employee or candidate’s attributes to the general population, making valid comparative judgment possible) full psychometric assessment that can be used for selection, training, promotion, managing, and succession planning at all employment levels up to the most senior executive positions and board levels.
It is a powerful and dynamic management tool that employs 21st Century technology while going far beyond simple Ipsative (does not compare the employee or candidate’s attributes to the general human population, making comparative judgment impossible) personality assessments.
It is the latest; most advanced, most thorough and most valid assessment of its type available at reasonable cost, and was initially introduced in January 2003…while subsequently proving itself for over 10 years. It is administered via the Internet and reports are available immediately after assessment completion.
The ProfileXT validly compares an individual’s thinking style, behavioral characteristics and occupational interests against a position specific performance model customized with client input. This assessment provides a job match percentage that is a valid indicator of how the individual will perform in that position. Predictive and test-retest reliability of the ProfileXT™ is second to none and in many cases twice what is available with other assessments.
The ProfileXT produces multiple reports at no extra cost for use in hiring, development and organizational planning and provides such outstanding results that nearly none of our clients has stopped utilizing it. It improves human productivity and efficiency on a remarkable scale.