Strategic Initiatives
Oak Consulting provides consulting services to assist companies through the strategic business planning process. Whether the organization is utilizing a formal process for the first time or is updating a past plan, Oak Consultants will facilitate the executive team using a process that will become a tool that may be implemented with measured action steps throughout the company.
A strategic plan is your most important business tool because it charts your journey into the future. It objectively considers every external and internal impact on your business and is the blueprint for the growth and survivability of your company. Oak Consulting can help you develop the bold and innovative vision that will enable your company to maximize its future.
An effective strategic plan begins with a picture of the future then develops the strategic and tactical decisions required to move the organization to the desired level. A viable strategic plan is practical, actionable, measurable, and contains five key elements:
Organization Purpose
- The vision, mission, and values of the organization.
- 3-5 key factors critical to successfully achieving the vision, mission, and values.
Measurable Objectives
- A few key measures that indicate how well a goal is tracking toward achievement.
- The way in which you choose to accomplish your goals.
Action Plan
- Key steps to be taken in sequence.
- Individual responsible for insuring each strategic action is taken as required.
- Completion date of action.
Oak Consulting can help you develop the bold and innovative vision that will enable your company to maximize its future. Let us work together to develop a realistic and objective approach to the tactics and strategies necessary to support the vision and enable your company to achieve its true potential.
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Contact Oak Consulting today to learn more about our outplacement approach and other services.